
UK-based artist Susanna Bauer has exceptional needlework skills and, we’re guessing, a very gentle touch, that enable her to use dried leaves as a canvas for some of her miniature art pieces.

“Most of my pieces are small sculptural objects often based on found natural materials. I like giving time to the inconspicuous things that surround us and often go unnoticed, paying attention to small details and the tactile quality of objects. Appropriating traditional craft techniques like weaving and crochet as a means of sculpture brings a contemplative element to the development of my work. I am interested in unusual combinations of materials, the experimentation with fragility and strength and the individual stories that evolve and shape themselves in the process of making.”

The next time you find a dried leaf, pick it up and examine just how fragile they are and you’ll be all the more amazed by Susanna Bauer’s beautiful artwork. Visit her website to check out more of her work.

[via Design Taxi]

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