freshphotons: Illustration by Jaco Haasbroek.
staceythinx: Imaginative digital illustrations by Tebe Interesno 🙂
let-s-build-a-home: Star Spangled Spatula by Jacob Riley-Wasserman
grofjardanhazy: A Párizsi Nagyáruház (Andrássy u. 39) belső látképe Most a képeslapon látható állapotnál valamivel szerényebbnek tűnik a belső tér, de a Lotz Károly által tervezett neoreneszánsz terem legalább gyönyörűen fel lett újítva.
This is a must follow tumblr! :)) Menswear DogA dog’s guide to being a man
This Incredible Full Scale Lego X-Wing Is the Largest Model In History via Gizmodo
fuckyeahconstruction: The White House, Washington DC 1948 It had been 150 years since the British burned down the executive mansion, and by 1948, the building was in near condemnable condition. So it had to be completely gutted and reconstructed.
wacky-thoughts: BBQ grill crafted entirely out of paper by zim & zou
ianbrooks: Sugar Skulls by Snow Violent You know what’s missing from your cup of coffee? The unparalleled feeling of eating the skulls of your fallen enemies. Luckily for your morning sadism: design team Snow Violent has developed these skull-shaped sugar cubes so not will your coffee wake you up in the morning, but it’ll also… Continue reading
escapekit: Norm Seattle-based Jeremy Veach has been the proud owner of Norm, his four-legged friend, since the pup was just 8 weeks old (he’s now 1 1/2). Soon after Jeremy got him, he started taking photos of the photogenic dog, inspired by some canine favorites like good ‘ol Maddie, and began posting them on Instagram. (Jermzlee now has… Continue reading